Tag Archives: life

Late Night Talk With Your Mother.


Limits. Are they a good thing, or are they a bad thing?

I guess some people would say that limiting yourself and not thinking to far outside of the box is a good thing. Some also believe that setting limitations on yourself will keep you from thinking irrationally or expecting to much from yourself, but what if there were no such thing as limitations? Imagine what people could do if they wanted to do something and they could just do it, with no struggle. (Not with a pill, only Bradley Cooper cando this) I personally think that this is possible. I can’t even begin to count the number of times I have caught myself deliberately putting obstacles in the way of doing something just because I doubted myself.

Doubt.  This word should be my middle name.

Before we can actually say “I can’t do that”, there has to be that build up of doubt. I constantly doubt my abilities to paint or draw, but why do I do that to myself? Because my artwork isn’t as  incredible as Alex Grey’s? or isn’t anything close to the work of  Picasso? Well of course it isn’t, but it could be one day if i really worked at it and i believed in myself! By doubting myself I limit myself, i want to reach those limits, punch them in the face and continue on being limitless and rad! This is what i will strive to do.